Depression, Self Help for a World Wide Problem ?
Dr. Ray Allen Moneta, VA USA

Depression is no respecter of persons or cultures. In every culture, there are countless people who suffer. World wide it is the leading cause of suicide, alcoholism and many diseases. In the living of life, almost no one is spared. All, sooner or later, endure a gray dark day of despair. How to deal with depression is a universal concern.

First, there is chemical depression, which comes from a chemical imbalance in the body. Here a person is depressed for no apparent reason. There is little or no basis in the circumstance of life for the melancholy the person feels. Often this begins in the teen years and continues into adulthood. No amount of talking or counseling seems to help. For a lengthy depression of this nature, medical help is required. If this is your situation, seek a physician immediately. Many inexpensive medicines are available that will help in a short period of time.

Second, there is depression brought on by the circumstances of life. This is usually milder and grows from a depressing situation. It can be brought on by illness, the death of a loved one, a child going wrong, a broken marriage or a great disappointment. These kinds of events come to us all and most would find them depressing. When they occur, several things can help. Many find to take St. Johns Wort makes them feel better. This is an herb that can be purchased at a health food store or pharmacy. Use as directed on the bottle.

Daily exercise has been determined to help with mild depression. Swimming or a brisk walk releases endorphins in the body that elevate our mood. These are the body’s natural depression fighters.

Regular reading of uplifting literature helps keep our minds focused on uplifting ideas. Biblical passages that come to mind are, John 3:16-17, 1 Cor. 13, the book of 1 John and the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7. Filling our mind with good thoughts can change our mood.

Humor is a great aid in reducing depression. Read a funny book, listen to a funny radio program or watch a funny TV show. Medical studies have confirmed that laughter helps bodies and spirits heal.

Talk with a trusted friend, pastor or counselor. Getting a different perspective on our problem can change our attitude. Normally when we are depressed we are feeling sorry for ourselves. An objective listener can help us sort out our situation.

Help someone! The act of assisting another helps us see we are a person of worth and our lives matter to others and ourselves. God created you, a unique and wonderful person.

Prayer can be depressing or an aid to overcome depression. To constantly pray over how depressed we are only increases our depression. Prayers for others, prayers of thanksgiving are prayers for our depression to fly away on. Job in the Bible was depressed for 42 chapters, and then in Job 42:10, his wealth and spirit were restored.

My prayer for you is that the dark day of depression will end and the sunshine of God’s love in Jesus Christ will fill your life.


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Wishing you peace and progress - John Sebastian

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7. Depression Self Help for a World Wide Problem.


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